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Signed in as:
Wisconsin Property Taxpayers, Inc. (WPT) is a nonpartisan statewide voice for Wisconsin’s property taxpayers. WPT is not affiliated with any political party, and does not contribute to candidates.
Founded in 1985, WPT's membership is comprised of thousands of commercial, agricultural, and residential property taxpayers throughout the state. The organization advocates for its members on both the local and state levels. WPT also assists members in dealing with local property tax disputes and handles member inquiries related to assessments, exemptions, state laws and administrative rules, and provides information useful in appealing and reducing their property tax liability.
The organization provides informational materials to its members through several digital and traditional publications, and offers members several benefits, including access to legal services, various types of insurance, and more.
WPT’s experienced government relations staff, field representatives and technical support staff conduct a variety of activities including legislative analysis, policy and opinion research, media relations, public information and government affairs services, to increase public and legislative support for the organization’s public policy objectives.
Protect Use-Value on Wisconsin farmland
Wisconsin farmers continue our state's proud agriculture heritage daily through their hard work every day. WPT will oppose those who believe farmland should be taxed at market rate.
Maintain 2/3rds state funding for K-12 schools
By pushing the state to assume its decades-old commitment to fund 66% of the cost of K-12 in Wisconsin, a massive burden can be alleviated from property taxpayers statewide.
*Full legislative agenda available upon request